Achieving a Healthy Balance

We are all seeking to achieve a healthy, balanced and harmonious life and in order to achieve this we need to address our physical, mental and inner needs. If one of these aspects is neglected then we don’t feel fulfilled.

At Redlands Yoga & Meditation (RYMA) we’ll provide you with some of the means to help you achieve a balanced life.


Ready to relax?

Consider joining one of our classes.

Redlands Yoga and Mediation (RYAM) offers yoga classes which include a wonderful balance of asanas (exercises), Pranayama (breathing techniques), relaxation and meditation.

In every class we’ll also take some time out for one of the most important things we can do for our body, relaxation. This is something we often don’t take seriously but is essential to allow the body to revitalise, regenerate re-energise and restore.